“Your Optimal State of Wellbeing

Healthy weight loss starts here with the chocolate frog diet

The Chocolate Frog Diet

The Chocolate Frog Diet is a program which encourages and supports people in obtaining healthy weight loss. The Dictionary defines  health as “The optimal state of well-being  physical, mental and social; not just the absence of disease.”

The program aims to address all of these areas – concentrating on many of those areas which are not so well addressed by most other weight loss program.

Weight loss is often incorrectly seen as the ultimate goal of weight management program. Our program approach is to maintain optimal health while achieving weight loss.

Many studies have shown that good nutrition decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and many cancers. Ongoing studies into the nutritional status of 3 million people from the America, Australia, and New Zealand indicate that many people in the world lack adequate nutrition. This situation is made much worse by weight loss programs which rely on severe food restrictions and meal replacements that results in rapid weight loss.

To avoid this situation, a weight loss program must address many facets. The Chocolate Frog Diet does this.

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A Complete Physical, Mental and Weight Management Solution

  • Nutrition

  • Weight Management

  • Emotional Support

  • Nutritional Supplement Advice

  • Lifestyle Changes

  • Ongoing Support


Contact Us

We look forward sharing your journey with you and helping you to reach your goals

We understand the importance of support without judgement and to make it easier your personalized program can be conducted over the phone, in person, by email or a combination of these.

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